
The MSBAI team is growing!

The MSBAI team is growing!

Hello MSBAI GURU Community! We are in an exciting phase of the company, building an incredible team to bring the next version of GURU to our customers. At MSBAI we will highlight our talented and passionate team members periodically, and now is a perfect time to introduce our Senior Architect, Dustin Sysko. Below, Dustin talks about his impressive experience, and outlook.


“I’ve seen the tech industry from many different angles and lenses while working with large organizations like the Financial Times and McGraw-Hill, progressive mid-size companies like Genscape, through agile small startups and contract work. It’s been beneficial to be exposed to a truly broad scope of technologies and to apply them to interesting and beneficial projects."


"My direct responsibilities have included the design and implementation of automated systems for data collection and management, as well as software deployment, operation, and monitoring for production environments. Developing systems architecture which utilizes Infrastructure as Code and serverless deployments of containerized services are modern practices I rely on, in addition to more conventional cloud and on-premise paradigms. I have considerable experience with relational and unstructured databases and the modeling and analysis of their contents. Additionally, I’ve designed and built prototypes for hardware data collection and edge computing platforms for remote data collection and analysis."


"At MSBAI I’m focused on developing a flexible and dynamic architecture of infrastructure and interfaces that enables our team to implement their cutting-edge work in the fields of AI and human-machine collaboration. The fascinating work we’re engaged in with intelligent agents with potential for long-term memory and reinforcement learning are truly motivating. It’s exciting to be part of a team that is developing novel systems which will further advance human productivity and extend our technological reach.”